【同义词辨析】 2019-05-06 健谈talkative-voluble

talkative: may imply a readiness to engage in talk or a disposition to enjoy conversation: not the ~ type who would enjoy a party.  readiness准备就绪可以快速开始,如indicated her readiness for the task她表示任务已准备就绪(即可以随时开始))

loquacious: suggests fluency and easy in speaking OR an undue talkativeness: the corporation needs a spokesperson who is ~ and telegenic.  fluent流利指轻松地说出大量的话implies easy and copious flow of words,如seemed to be fluent on any subject看似谈任何话题挺流利)   telegenic上镜头的

garrulous: implies prosy, rambling, or tedious loquacity: forced to endure a ~ companion the whole trip.  ramble走路或说话漫无目标to walk or talk carelessly and aimlessly,如the speaker rambled on without coming to the point演讲人说话漫无边际)   (prosy冗长乏味的implies a tendency to speak or write at length in a boring and uninviting manner, 如wrote them a dull prosy letter给他们写了封冗长无趣的信,prosaic平凡是它的形近同义词,但仅表示没有诗意普通平常,因此贬义比较轻implies the opposite of poetic and suggests a commonplace quality,如a downtown with an ordinary, prosaic air平凡普通的市中心)    

voluble: suggests a free, easy, and unending loquacity: the Italians are a ~ people.        词根VOLU表示旋转to roll,wind,turn, 如revolution革命、involve包含、devolve下放移交职权,和本例滔滔不绝好像舌头一直转动

talkative爱说话: 指喜欢和人说话的性格,loquacious健谈: 表示说话流利轻松,但也可能表示不恰当,garrulous啰嗦: 指说话散漫冗长反复无趣,voluble滔滔不绝: 形容人说话自在随意滔滔不绝

记忆方法: 1)首字母TLGV谈论国务<==健谈

        2)健谈的意思是喜欢交谈mean given to talk or talking.